S.P.M. Public School

Karimnagar, Chargawan, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
( A School For Excellence and Empowerment )

+91-9415212292 / 9918304463 | spmpublicgkp@gmail.com

Affiliated to C.B.S.E. ,New Delhi Affiliation no. 2132355 / School Code-70554

Whats's New

Rules & Regulation

  • Students must be punctual in reaching school. In case of 3 successive days being unpunctual a fine of Rs. 50/~ per day being late will be imposed which is on direction of the principal.
  • The school gate will be closed at 7.30 am in summer and 8.45 am in winter as per timing schedule. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school premises, once gate is closed. They must go back to their home, if they find the gate shut. Responsibility of such lapse will be owned by guardians.
  • Parents/guardians should ensure that the Rickshaw puller engaged by them for escorting their wards to and for, do not in any way influence them adversely, they should not smoke and not use filthy language while driving the children to school and back.
  • Parent/guardian who come to pick up their wards should wait for them patiently in an orderly fashion and should not panic. They should not enter the school premises before the bell goes and school is over. It is prohibited for all parents/ guardians to enter school premises smoking or chewing tobacco etc.
  • During school hours, parents/guardians must not come to school to take their wards home. If on a particular day, a students presence at home is considered necessary,during school hours. The right thing to do would be not to send such student on that day. Taking a student home from a class during school hours, will not be permitable and no students will be allowed to go home except emergency.
  • S.P.M Public School gives a prize every year for the punctuality which goes to the student who is found doing things on time. There is a prize for regular attendance also which is given to the student who attend school regularly.

Rules of Discipline

  • Our school shall be distinguished by their good conduct and habits.
  • Every Conversation at the school premises shall be in English only.
  • Every students should carry his/her school calendar on all class days.
  • Student's should dress in neat & tidy school uniform.
  • Students are required to show due respect towards then teachers and school authority.
  • To achieve a desired education a pupil's regularity is vital Hence, absence/leave without parent's written application will not be granted, and absent fine shall be imposed.
  • A pupil absenting from school due to sickness or unavoidable reasons must produce medical certificate or approved reasons from parents.
  • Destruction/damage of school property intentinally by any pupil must be made good by the culprit.
  • No unfair means during examinations is tolerated under any circumstances.
  • A pupil who fail consecutiveely for 2 years may be asked to leave the school.
  • Parents have to withdraw their child from the school whose conduct is found harmful to the school.
  • Parents/guardian are not expected to see their children or teachers during the class hours.
  • Quarrel/fight among the students by way of forming party system warrants dismissal from the school.
  • A sense of brotherhood/sisterhood among the students is emphasized.
  • Use of harmfur thing like pan, cigarette, tobacco, etc. by the students is strictly prohibited.